We typically provide music for the standard parts of the wedding ceremony: the processional, the signing of the registry, and the recessional. However, if arranged in advance, we can also provide music fifteen minutes before the ceremony is to start while your guests arrive and also fifteen minutes after the ceremony finishes as your guests are leaving.
Feel free to look at some popular repertoire selections for the parts of the wedding ceremony listed below!

J. Clarke - Trumpet Voluntary
G.F. Handel - Air from Water Music
J. Pachelbel - Canon in D
H. Purcell - Trumpet Tune
A. Vivaldi - Largo from Winter
R. Wagner - Bridal Chorus ("Here Comes The Bride")
Signing of the Registry:
J.S. Bach- Air on G
J.S. Bach- Jesu Joy of Man's Desiring
L. Delibes- Flower Duet
C. Franck- Panis angelicus
W.A. Mozart- Alleluja from Exultate Jubliate
F. Schubert- Ave Maria
Beethoven- Ode to Joy
G.F. Handel- Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
G.F. Handel- Hornpipe from Water Music
F. Mendelssohn- Wedding March
J. Mouret- Rondeau
A. Vivaldi- Spring